Chinese Try to Imprison US Residents

I had the opportunity to discuss a disturbing new trend. The current Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has embarked upon a fake quest to root out corruption in the Chinese government. Of course, this is nothing but a sham. It is only the people on the lower rungs of government who are picked off and prosecuted. The greatest purveyors of corruption are at the highest levels of the Chinese government and this program by Jinping is merely designed to appease the people of China.

Unfortunately, the stain of corruption has reached the shores of the United States. The Chinese government are actively seeking return of their citizens from our country even though we have no extradition treaty with them. They are likely doing this with trumped up charges and our government is apparently cooperating with the Chinese government. It is a shame to see the United States, a debtor nation to China, now so thoroughly beholden to the Brahmins of Beijing that we are willing to turn over our residents to them.