Month: May 2016

Sued Police Officer Gets Indicted

This week, Nicholas Hogan, a former police officer with the Tukwila Police Department, was indicted by the federal government.  He was not indicted for breaking the leg of my client which resulted in a lawsuit and a settlement.  Instead, he was indicted for pepper spraying a man who was in four point restraints on a  … Read more

UBER’s Dirty But Not Really Secret Path to Wealth

Uber may have just pulled off a victory in Court even greater than its victory on the streets over taxis cab drivers and limo drivers.   On April 21, 2016, the company announced it would settle the suit brought against it to have its workers declared employees rather than independent contractors by paying the workers $100 million.  … Read more

Bizarre Support for Dennis Hastert

Former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, was sentenced in a federal court in Chicago on Wednesday, April 27, 2016, for illegally structuring bank transactions to keep a sex abuse scandal secret.  Unfortunately, he could not be prosecuted for the sexual assaults themselves because the statute of limitations had already run out on the offenses.   … Read more